Comprehension and understanding of the concept of sustainability, as well as the importance of implementing it in companies and brands.
In this post, I will tell you about a very interesting and innovative topic, which will help spark your curiosity about the actions that companies take during their different processes and, in this way, you can make more conscious decisions when choosing the brands and products you consume.
Sustainability in business emerged in the 20th century as a concept associated with philanthropy, which continues to evolve over the years, until it became what today is roughly translated as self-regulation that generates a social pact between the company and its environment. Thus, it is a vehicle that allows value and prosperity to be created without compromising future generations.
The 21st century brings with it a rapid evolution in various aspects, among them, a new vision of the concept of «company», based on the fact that it survives in the long term, so it is no longer considered solely as an economic unit for profit. Now, companies have as main pillars ethics, trust and reputation, as well as a direct interaction with society and the environment.
One of the most important characteristics of sustainability is that it goes beyond legality and coercibility, that is, it is about voluntary actions and, therefore, it is in constant development and evolution, since it is not limited to compliance . Therefore, it is largely based on the needs that arise in the communities where they are based, sometimes globally, as well as on the demands of consumers.
The principle that governs sustainability is the «principle of transparency», which means showing feasible evidence regarding the manufacturing processes of products and/or services, the supply chain, its impact on the environment and the working conditions for their workers who make possible the existence and permanence of companies and brands. These actions generate trust among consumers, as well as greater loyalty to products and services.
The importance of the implementation of sustainability in companies is that a company’s success is due to the consumers that support them and the community where they are located, so sustainable practices are about giving back to the interest groups (consumers and the community) everything that they have contributed for the company’s development and growth. Likewise, it represents relevant advantages, such as a better image and reputation of the brand; better perception between customers and suppliers; as well as the increase in innovation in products and processes, which can represent an improvement in finances and investments and, therefore, an increase in profits.
For the implementation of sustainability, the size of the company is not important, since it is possible to do it both in transnational corporations and in small and medium sized businesses. It mainly requires the commitment of senior management, since it is on whom it depends to a greater extent that the practices and processes required to archive it are carried out.
Therefore, it is extremely important to choose products and services from brands that prove to be sustainable, so that, as consumers, we exert pressure on companies that are not yet aligned with practices and values that entail respect for the environment, living beings and the community in general.
I hope you have enjoyed this introduction to sustainability and it sparked your interest in it. Don’t miss my next post on this topic!