
This movement will promote unity in the community and support different social causes

The group of Entrepreneurs of the Valle de Guadalupe (EDVG) have created the «Un Valle Unido» movement, according to its president, Marco Estudillo Bernal, it was created with the aim of being able to find a point of benefit for all companies, which will allow to promote the sustainable development of the wine tourism and wine region of the municipality of Ensenada.

According to the group, made up of more than 175 companies, this movement tries to promote community unity in which everyone participates, integrating citizens, ejidatarios, native peoples, authorities, businessmen, workers, associations and representative groups, among others, to support different social causes with the aim of improving the living conditions of the population.

As an example, it seeks to strategically join efforts to improve the security of the region; collaborate with authorities to improve the structural image, create spaces for the constant training on trades for residents and for the tourist staff of the companies; develop permanent reforestation and fire prevention programs, as well as establish a project in agreement with the authority and community to improve the signage of the area and roads.

Moreover, it seeks to improve the conditions, tools and opportunities for education through scholarships and direct support for students, promote sports, as well as work hand in hand with the authorities to improve municipal and state public services in the delegations of Valle de Guadalupe.

“This is a movement where everyone has a place: businessmen, ejidatarios, residents, organizations, authorities, workers and society as a whole. We also seek to protect the winemaking vocation, the vine, its land and nature in general, but recognizing that the valley brings together various sectors in the fields of hospitality, gastronomy, art, transportation, preserves, commerce and of course the winegrower, for this is the vision that we all work towards for the good of this region”, pointed out Estudillo Bernal.

On the other hand, through «A United Valley», – events with a cause- will be held of social, community, educational, entrepreneurial, environmental, safety and health support, among others. The first event is scheduled for Monday, November 8, a pairing meal for the benefit of the Firefighters of the three Valle de Guadalupe delegations, to be held at «Iggys BBQ» starting at 3:00 in the afternoon, tickets are already available, at a cost of 250 pesos per person.

Finally, the president of EDVG pointed out that the opportunity to generate real changes in the region will not be wasted, generating through the «Un Valle Unido» movement, a model that allows, through well-organized citizen participation, all sectors of the municipality to join in similar initiatives that together, allow the growth and development of Ensenada.

“This is a historic moment in our State, which represents the opportunity to consolidate a relationship with the incoming government, which allows all the sectors that live and coexist in the Valle de Guadalupe, to jointly promote an intelligent, studied, consensual and well-considered agenda. structured to achieve great projects and benefits for all”, he concluded.

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